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Un comentario

  1. Good afternoon, dear Cuban friends!Valery Andreyuk, Deputy chairman of the Belarusian Philatelists from Brest, writes to you. I am responsible for the exhibition work in Brest. Our society in Brest is still very young – up to 15 years old, but we have already participated in world and European exhibitions in St. Petersburg, Essen, Portgalia-2010, London-2015, Finland-2017 and others under the patronage of FIP and FEPA.. There are also good results, the first place of our children and the silver cup at the World Cup from London, a large gilded one from Finland and I have the right to 8 stands. We pay a lot of attention to working with the younger generation, because, unfortunately, philately is «getting old». Recently I saw your website on the Internet / and became interested in it, since we also recently opened our website / and I’m interested in what others look like. I liked your site.
    In September of this year, we are holding the third national youth exhibition with international participation «UNIPHYL – 2023» in Brest. The exhibition is held with the support of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus and the city authorities. Participation in the exhibition is free of charge. Perhaps you could help by placing an advertisement on the pages of your website advertising our exhibition. It can be noted that there is no need to send the exhibit to Belarus. You can send us scans virtually, and we will print out the sheets with the exhibit on site in Brest. Maybe you have friends in Latin America who could take part in our youth exhibition. I know that the Post Office of the Republic of Belarus is preparing to issue an envelope with artistic markings and a series of two postage stamps based on children’s drawings. Thank you in advance. Sincerely, the commissioner of the exhibition «UNIPHYL -2023» Valery Andreyuk!

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