Fernando Iglesias, miembro de la Real Academia Hispánica de Filatelia e Historia postal hace unos años nos ofreció en forma de libro el fruto de años de investigación. Magistralmente lista y resume la que es hasta el momento la guía mas completa de marcas postales de historia postal colonial cubana. Adicionamos el comentario que de ella se publicó en la revista de la Sociedad Filatélica Cubana de América. Les adicionamos al final un pdf de algunas de las páginas para que puedan tener una idea de la publicación.
The Cuban Postal History Guide shows the very essential and key role that the Island of Cuba played between Spain and its vast dominions in the Americas during the 18th. and 19th. Centuries.
This Guide has 11 sections never before coming together in one single volume of work:
- The Prephilatelic Town Markings: straightlines and the First cds the: Baeza
- The Maritime Markings and the Empresa of Maritime Mails.
- The Coastal Steamers and Markings • The Railroad Markings
- The British Post Offices
- The French Post Offices (both in Havana and in Santiago de Cuba)
- The United States Markings for Cuban Mail • Anglo-French Pact Markings
- The Cordillera Official Mail • The Mexican and Dominican Interventions using the Cuban Stamps
- Colonial Cancellers and Markings Used During the Colonial Stamp Issuing Period.
- Also includes much other information regarding routes, rates, maps, reference photos of covers, etc. In all – JUST what a specialized or novice collector would NEED to know about all of the Postal History Markings of Cuba up to the late 1800’s, and that are not found in any other publications.
- Format: 5” by 11”, spiral bound, easy to open, clean elegant design, easy to read, full color reproductions of all of the markings and photos of covers.
- Published in English with more than 166 pages.
- No pricing is quoted, each marking has a rarity factor from a level of 1 to 8.
- Quality Printed: Heavy 14pt. covers with UV coating and 100# gloss paper pages
About the author: F. J. Iglesias is a Cuba Postal Historian with over 45 years of collecting and a world class exhibitor both nationally and internationally. Past President of the Cuban Philatelic Society of America in Florida (2005-2016) and current editor of “The Cuban Philatelist” journal. In March of 2017 Iglesias was inducted into Spain’s prestigious Royal Hispanic Academy of Philately and Postal History.
List Price $70.00* US – *(U.S.A. shipping is included) Foreign buyers contact for mailing costs Order from the author: Fernando Iglesias, 4061 SW 70 Terrace, Davie, FL 33314-3165.
Accepts checks or PayPal • for more information e-mail: iglesias_f@bellsouth.net • phone: 954-547-1800. PayPal payments require special instructions •